Do you have a question?

How can i contact you?

You can call me on my mobile number: 07863 626909 or by email via the contact page.

Do I need to book a class in advance?

Yes you do. Booking opens each Sunday morning for the classes the following week. Just send me a message via text or whatsapp and I can book you in .

What do I need to wear?

Just wear comfortable and breathable clothing. For Fitsteps and Dance Fit, footwear is better with a smoother grip, allowing you to swivel on the dancefloor. However for my Sat morning Body Fit class I would recommend trainers that are suitable for higher impact exercise.

Do I need to bring anything with me?

For both of my dance classes i suggest you bring water and a towel. For my Saturday class, please bring water, a towel and a mat or something similar for the floor work.

Do I need a dance partner for Dance Fit or Fitsteps?

You do not need a partner for either of these classes

Do I need to be a good dancer?

You do not need to be a good dancer, but you will enjoy Fitsteps and Dance Fit more, if you enjoy dancing. Routines are easy enough to follow, and from experience most peoples coordination improves after a few classes.

Do I need to be fit?

You do not need to be fit to come to my classes, just be enthusiastic. We can work on improving your fitness together. You can expect to burn lots of calories in all of my classes if you put the effort in.

Dance Fit –  Approx 500 calories

Fitsteps – Approx 500 calories

Body Fit – Does vary depending on the class program on the day – but between 300-400 calories.

What do i need to wear or bring to Yoga classes

For this class you will need to have bare feet, socks, or yoga socks. Also you will need a mat suitable for yoga or pilates. You can pick this up for a small amount now in most stores.