A bit of a mouth full i know, but MSD basically means an injury or disorder of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, nerves or related soft tissue. It also includes long term conditions such as arthritis,
There are many activities and hazards that can increase the risk of sustaining an MSD including repetitive movements, awkward postures and forceful exertions. The risk of injury is increased if you don’t warm up before exercise. If you attend my classes you will note we always do a warm up and the type of warm up will depend on the type of classes we are doing. When you warm up you increase the blood flow and oxygen to the muscles, getting them ready for exercise.
Eat Healthily
Evidence suggests that lack of calcium and iron can also contribute towards injuries. Lack of iron can lead to an increase of lactic acid, the burn you feel during exercise. A lack of calcium can weaken bones and has been known to increase the risk of shin splints, which can be so painful and take weeks to repair.
Colder Months
The colder weather can decrease blood flow to our muscles. This means they tighten up when they are exposed to colder temperatures. A tight cold muscle shortens its length and that reduces our range of motions. This is why it is so important to warm up correctly to avoid injury, especially during colder months. During the colder weather even the simplest of task like picking up a bag from the ground can result in pulled muscles. Please keep this in mind and use the correct posture when possible. Make sure you are getting enough stretches in the your weekly exercise routine too. I have plenty of stretch classes available online if you cant make our face to face classes, just contact me for details.
As the saying goes….. ‘Prevention is better than the cure’, and it certainly is, in this case. It only takes 2 weeks without any exercise to lose your fitness and flexibility. If you don’t use it, you will lose it and you could open yourself up to injuries.
I have face to face and online classes in Sutton Coldfield and from March 14th I will be adding another class to our timetable. If you wish to know more click the link below. Keep Moving!
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